Post by Jason FleischliGit is great for large projects and scales for thousands of contributors
which is why it was created by Torvalds,... for the linux kernel. cvs
works just fine for a little project like elilo with one guy with write
access to the source tree. Git has great features, and patch tools I
know but just because elilo is in cvs doesnt prevent you from pulling
elilo source into your git tree, creating your own git project with it,
and using your git env... Anyway, I know of GIT's use and value and
will probably move elilo to it but am not in a hurry to do so. (thanks
for the tailor tip, didnt know about that one.)
I dont think gnu-efi is dead, but regardless this is "elilo-discuss"
and the wrong list for gnu-efi requests or discussions... separate
I tried using tailor to convert from cvs to git (this is the first
time I am trying cvs). There no direct or a 2 way git <-> cvs bridge
like git-svn does for svn or like bzr does for many other vcs systems
(but i prefer git). I have uploaded the converted repo to my github
account at . The
commit messages simply contain the date of commit and not the actual
commit messages present in cvs. . I have attached the tailor config
file I used.
gnu-efi doesn't have any mailing list to talk about this. I thought
gnu-efi is attached to elilo. Its cvs repo simply has the tar.gz files
without the actual commit logs like elilo does. Do you know how I can
communicate cvs to git info to them.
Currently I use elilo, Fedora's grub-legacy efi and grub2 (x86_64-efi
config) to boot Archlinux x86_64 system. Running GCC multilib 4.5.2
and binutils 2.21 . Thanks for elilo update. It boots Archlinux
perfectly in tianocore edk2 duet (uefi 2.3 x86_64 firmware).